BioEcoAgro Joint Cross-Border Research Unit


Four supervisory Institutions manage the Mixed Cross-Border Research Unit (UMR): University of Lille, University of Liège, the University of Picardie Jules Verne and INRAE. By separate agreement, the University of Lille will represent Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, Artois University and Junia.

General structure

The UMRT is structured in 9 teams grouped in 3 clusters. Four intersections are also proposed, plus an international coordination.

9teams in 3clusters eng


A team consists of permanent and contract staff representing a group of homogeneous skills and / or a coherent research theme; it includes staff from at least two institutions. A pair of researchers or permanent research professors from two different institutions animates it. The management college appoints them after consultation with the permanent members of the team.


A cluster brings together a certain number of themes that are closely related and likely to have strong interactions. It is animated by one of thematic leaders for a period of 20 months (renewable). The management board appoints this manager after consultation with the permanent members of the cluster teams.


The intersections are themes that are addressed in at least 2 different clusters. They are led by two researcher(s) or permanent researcher(s) belonging to two different institutions. The college of direction proposes the animators.

College of Management

The management board consists of 6 people: a director, Philippe Jacques, and three deputy directors, Jean-Louis Hilbert (Lille), François Mesnard (UPJV) and Joël Léonard (INRAE), representing the 4 guardianships and two people (1 ICV, Vincent Phalip, and 1 TERRA, Bernard Longdoz, Vice-Dean Research) for good scientific coverage. It defines the general strategy in science, governance and communication. It meets physically at least every 2 months, and as much as necessary by videoconference.


Philippe Jacques, University of Liège, Director of UMRt BioEcoAgro
Philippe Jacques, University of Liège, Director of UMRt BioEcoAgro






Deputy directors 

Jean-Louis Hilbert, University of Lille
Joël Léonard, INRAE
François Mesnard, UPJV

Others  representatives

Bernard Longdoz, University of Liège
Vincent Phalip, University of Lille





Management Committee

It is made up of the director or his representative with a representative of each French site or financial center and each Research and Education Support Unit (CARE) of TERRA on the Belgian side. It coordinates the day-to-day management, which will be decentralized in the different locations or financial center, in order to pragmatically apply the decisions of the team leaders, the management college and the director. It proposes to the executive board synergies, purchases of major equipment or other points for which a centralized discussion presents an added value. It meets 4 to 5 times a year.

Internal Scientific Council

The internal scientific council is made up of the management college and the heads of teams and intersections. It defines the scientific strategy of the UMRT and its adequacy with its structure (poles and teams and transversal themes) and its funding. It meets at least twice a year.

External Scientific Council

The external scientific council is made up of international experts. It meets at least twice during the five-year period.

Modification date: 27 May 2024 | Publication date: 28 November 2019 | By: Com INRAE HdF