In vitro culture of miscanthus

In vitro culture of miscanthus

We use in vitro culture methods for two purposes in our team: 1) to propagate plant material on the one hand, and 2) modify the chromosome set numbers of the cells on the other hand. For example, the set of diploid forms, which comprises two sets, can be doubled in order to obtain tetraploid forms comprising four sets.

Vegetative propagation of miscanthus

The in vitro propagation allows regeneration of new plants from explant tissues to maintain scientific plant material or to create new generations of scientific plant material. It consists of two methods which are direct or indirect.

Apex - culture in vitro
Apex © Hélène Sellier
Inflorescence immature
© Hélène Sellier

The direct method

This method consists of direct bud development from the axillary nodes or apical meristems (photo).


The indirect method

This method begins by cultivating immature inflorescences (photo) to product callus, a mass of unorganized cells, from which the shoots will be regenerated.


Tetraploid miscanthus production

The in vitro tetraploidisation of miscanthus will allow the production of tetraploid clones from diploid Miscanthus sinensis clones of interest.

 These tetraploid clones will make it possible:

  • the enlargement of the tetraploid pool of clones
  • the study of the impact of tetraploidisation on biomass production.
  • the creation of new triploid types by combining as best as possible diploid and tetraploid clones. These triploid forms are sterile and therefore will not be invasive as no seed can be dispersed in the environment.

The method used to obtain tetraploid clones is the chemical mutagenesis, some callus will be brought into contact with colchicine, a mutagenesis compound which allows the duplication of the chromosomes in cells, according to the following protocol.

Tetraploidisation protocol illustration
Tetraploidisation protocol illustration © Hélène Sellier - Maryse Hulmel

Modification date: 16 July 2024 | Publication date: 07 July 2023 | By: Hélène Sellier - Maryse Hulmel