SiA population
Miscanthus mapping populations

Miscanthus mapping populations

What is the genetic determinism of traits associated with biomass production and earliness at flowering in miscanthus?


Two offspring of miscanthus, known as populations, were created based on crossings carried out under the regional PEL project (2007-2008). They were then multiplied in the regional project MISCOMVEG (2011-2013) and then in the national project Biomass For the Future (BFF). The aim of this latter project was to develop miscanthus and sorghum crops dedicated to the production of composites and building materials. This project was conducted over an eight-year period (2012-2020). The first population, namely "SiA", has been extensively studied at the genetic level during two Phd theses (Raphaël RAVERDY, 2021 and Wei HOU, 2021). The second one, namely "SiB", is currently been studied in the frame of a new Phd project (Shehyar IQBAL).


The objective of these populations was to study the genetic determinism of traits involved in the production of a biomass adapted to industrial uses in respect of the environment. In particular, the detection of Quantitative Trait Loci or QTL related to these traits have been achieved. We hypothesized that their genetic improvement was possible in Miscanthus sinensis. We also expected a variation according to the environment, that is why their evaluation was carried out in contrasting environments.

Population description

Development of SiA and SiB populations
Development of SiA and SiB populations

A first diploid population of Miscanthus sinensis (namely SiA) was developed from the cross between two horticultural varieties, Silberspinne and Malepartus. These two parents were chosen on the basis of their contrasting plant stem number. 165 genotypes from this population were multiplied by in vitro culture. Although the majority of genotypes could be multiplied, 83 genotypes were totally resistant to the technique.

A second population of Miscanthus sinensis diploid (SiB) has Malepartus as a common parent with SiA. The other parent is the Herman Müssel variety. This parent is distinguished from Silberspinne primarily by its lateness (measured by panicle emergence) and lignin content which is a cell-wall component (ADL). It was propagated by classical vegetative method (from division of the rhizome), first in the greenhouse in 2016 at the “INRAE GCIE Picardie” experimental unit located in Estrées-Mons (northern France), then in the field in 2017 at the “INRAE GBFor” experimental unit located in Ardon (Orléans near Paris).

Field experiments based on single-plant designs

SiA population

The SiA population was planted in two contrasting locations (experimental units of INRAE GCIE Picardie in Estrées-Mons and INRAE GBFor in Ardon) according to single-plant-based designs at a low plant density (1 plant/m²). In each location, the experimental design was based on a staggered-start design. Each staggered-start design was made up of two stands or groups of genotypes that were organized in two adjacent plots established in two successive years. The first group (G1) was established in 2014 while the second (G2) in 2015. The number of genotypes was unbalanced due to the recalcitrance of some genotypes regarding the propagation by in vitro culture and establishment steps. In contrast to classical designs where the age effect is confounded with environmental conditions of the year, these statgegered-start designs made it possible to partition the “year” effect into “plant age” and “climatic condition” effects.

Description of the SiA population design
Description of the experimental design of SiA population

The traits studied were associated with biomass production (plant height, number of stems, etc.) and biomass composition (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin contents). With this population, genetic parameters were defined for each trait (genetic and environmental effects), then a genetic map was developed and allowed the detection of chromosomal regions (QTL) associated with the different traits studied (thesis work by Raphaël RAVERDY, 2021). At the same time, traits associated with earliness have been studied to determine genetic parameters and detect QTL (Wei HOU, 2021).

SiA photo montrant la population au champ

Data on traits associated with biomass production and composition were presented in two papers:

  • Raphaël Raverdy, Emilie Mignot, Stéphanie Arnoult, Laura Fingar, Guillaume Bodineau, Yves Griveau, Solenne Volant, Maryse Brancourt-Hulmel. 2022. Estimation of Genetic Parameters of Biomass Production and Composition Traits in Miscanthus sinensis Using a Staggered-Start Design. BioEnergy Research DOI: 10.1007/s12155-022-10459-5
  • Raphaël Raverdy, Kristelle Lourgant, Emilie Mignot, Stéphanie Arnoult, Guillaume Bodineau, Yves Griveau, Cristiane H. Taniguti, Maryse Brancourt-Hulmel. 2022. Linkage Mapping of Biomass Production and Composition Traits in a Miscanthus sinensis Population. BioEnergy Research DOI: 10.1007/s12155-022-10402-8

The 13 corresponding datasets are available on the GnpIS platform:

Data about earliness (and related traits) were presented in two papers:

  • Wei Hou, Raphaël Raverdy, Emilie Mignot, Stéphanie Arnoult, Catherine Giauffret, Maryse Brancourt-Hulmel. 2022. Estimating the Genetic Parameters of Flowering Time-Related Traits in a Miscanthus sinensis Population Tested with a Staggered-Start Design. BioEnergy Research DOI: 10.1007/s12155-021-10328-7
  • Wei Hou, Raphaël Raverdy, Kristelle Lourgant, Emilie Mignot, Stéphanie Arnoult, Catherine Giauffret, Maryse Brancourt-Hulmel. 2022. QTL Detection for Flowering-Time Related Traits in Miscanthus sinensis Using a Staggered-Start Design. BioEnergy Research DOI: 10.1007/s12155-021-10386-x

For climate effect analysis, a dataset is available following this link:

For age effect analysis, there are two sets of data:

Population SiB

The second SiB population was implanted in spring 2018 in a single location (Estrées-Mons) according to an incomplete block design. The progeny is being studied for the variability in biomass production and nitrogen remobilizations
in the frame of the MisTigation project (S. IQBAL's Phd). Aboveground parts and belowground parts have been collected for eighty genotypes at different key periods of the plant growth.

Population SiB En
Description of the experimental design for SiB population